Tips To Remove MY AI on Snapchat without Snapchat Plus

remove my ai on snapchat

Tips To Remove MY AI on Snapchat without Snapchat Plus

Are you wondering how to remove My AI feature on Snapchat! Here is the solution for both Snapchat Plus or without Snapchat Plus to remove My AI from its dashboard.

Due to the rapidly evolving AI Technology every AI driven tool is continuously adding new features to engage their users and cheap their position stable in the ongoing competition amongst similar tools and it is necessary to to add on new features and keep on evolving and make interface user friendly otherwise you will be wiped off.

Before going straight away to the process to remove My AI feature from Snapchat, it is important to what it actually is?

What Is My AI Feature on Snapchat?

Recently Snapchat had introduced a new feature, the new story mode, to stay connected and entertain its existing users and get access and view the stories of all users around the world to enhance the connectivity and reach.

Another feature was added that was AI ChatBot which got a mixed response from the users. As a result in February 2023 my AI feature also got introduced that can interact with other users as your character due to the innovative feature every user started using it and now if they found trouble then looking for the option to delete this feature. If you are the one then this guide will definitely help you. As we have explained two methods to delete MY AI with and without Snapchat Plus. Read it till the end to know all the details:

Common Troubles In Deleting My AI on Snapchat

  • You are not a Snapchat Plus Susbsriber as only snapchat plus users have the option to delete My AI.
  • There could be a cache problem on your device that creating a bug and trouble while deleting this feature. You can clear the cache to troubleshoot this problem or try using on another browser of device.
  • If you have started using MY AI recently then it will pin on the top of your chat and will create trouble while deleting.
  • If the problem persists for a long try to communicate with Snapchat support. Otherwise our below given guide will definitely help you.
Remove MY AI on Snapchat without Snapchat Plus

How To Delete My AI on Snapchat Plus

If you are a Snapchat Plus subscriber then you can follow below given steps to delete MY AI:

  • First of all click on the snapchat icon and let it open.
  • Now you will, see your profile picture on the on the top left corner of your screen, click on that.
  • Now a gear icon will start appearing on the right corner, click on that to open the settings.
  • Now select “Snapchat Plus” from the drop down menu.
  • Now you will see “My AI” option there. and “Remove My AI” under it.
  • You have to select this Remove button to delete it and confirm.
  • If facing trouble again after following the above steps then clear cache of your device to fix this troubleshoot.

How To Delete My AI on Snapchat without Snapchat Plus

Though the delete option for My AI is available only for snapchat plus subscribers but you can still delete it by following our below given guide:

  • Click on the snapchat icon and let it open.
  • Now you have to click on “Chat with My AI” option.
  • You will start appearing 3 dots on the top right corner of your screen, click on these three dots.
  • Now select “Chat Settings” from the menu.
  • Now click on “Clear” then click on “Clear From Chat Feed”
  • Following above steps you can easily delete it without snapchat plus, don’t forget to clear cache if facing any trouble.

How To Unpin My AI From Snapchat List

It is very simple to unpin My AI from chating list on your snapchat, if you are not aware then follow our easy to follow guide below:

  • Open up Snapchat app.
  • Now click on “Chat with MY AI”
  • Click on the three dote appearing on the top right corner to open settings.
  • Now select “Unpin Chat” option from the drop down menu.

Q: Is my AI on snap only for Snapchat plus?

A: Previously My AI option was limited for Snapchat Plus users but now it is freely available for everyone to use.

Q: Why can’t I delete my AI?

A: Only Snapchat Plus subscribers have the option to delete My AI but you can follow our above given steps to delete it without Snapchat Plus.

Q: Is my AI Snapchat available in India?

A: Yes, it is available in India.

remove my ai on snapchat
remove my ai on snapchat

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